FAQ: Returns and Refunds

How can I return a product or my order?

Please contact us at ask@bengsproducts.com before returning a package or product.

I have received a wrong/damaged/defective product…

We can be brief about that. If something is not right with the received product, you will of course still receive the correct product from us free of charge. If the product appears to be damaged or defective after receipt, we will also send you a new product free of charge. Please contact us at ask@bengsproducts.com.

Dissatisfied? Money Back!

Everybody is different and you may not consciously experience any effect from Bengs Resonant water. Customers often experience the first, often mental, effects after a week. But sometimes it takes a little longer. Most people report an effect after four weeks. It is also important to realise that an effect can be something different than you expect. We think we know what information our body is looking for, but that is not always what it needs at that moment to experience balance and well-being. 

If your body does not respond, you can always use our money-back guarantee for the first product of a variety. You will then receive the purchase amount back. Please contact us at ask@bengsproducts.com. We only offer this guarantee to new users. Our money-back guarantee does not apply to subscriptions.