Bengs Glow

15 ml bottle (Enough for one month) Order more, save more

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1-2 $32.50
3-5 $30.50
6+ $28.50

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Product Information

Bengs Glow Resonant water for anti-aging is based on the action of S-Acetyl L-Glutathione. Glutathione is also called the body’s most powerful detoxifier and the binder of heavy metals, and is also the most important antioxidant. It binds toxins and removes them from the body. Glutathione protects the body’s cells and stops the damage caused by contaminants. Glutathione protects our cells from damage, aging and disease. Glutathione is also called the mother of all antioxidants.

Glutathione exists in three forms: S-Acetyl Glutathione, reduced Glutathione and Glutathione disulfide (oxidized form). Glutathione can be difficult to absorb. This is the reason that to increase glutathione levels it is best to use the form S-Acetyl Glutathione. Glutathione is found in almost all cells in a high concentration and is thus among the most important antioxidants in the body.

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Frequently asked questions

We have done our very best to answer all the questions we can think of. Is your question not included? Then please contact us.

What kind of water is used for the Bengs Resonant water products?

The base is just tap water that goes through an extra filtration system. We are continuously investigating whether we can further improve the water quality.

What is Resonance?

An example to explain the potential of resonance is light. White light contains all colors of light. White light therefore contains the invisible potential of all colors. Resonant water offers the “non-measurable potential” of resonances.

Another way of looking at resonance is the more formal way. Resonance (Latin: resonare, resound) is a physical phenomenon that occurs with vibrations. A vibrating object can cause another object to vibrate, as the vibrations are transmitted through an intermediate substance. If this other object starts to vibrate in the rhythm of the original vibrations, this phenomenon is called resonance. Source: Wikipedia.

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