Bengs Glow

15 ml Flasche (ausreichend für einen Monat) Order more, save more

93 in stock

1-2 32,50
3-5 30,50
6+ 28,50

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Product Information

Das Bengs Glow Resonant Wasser für Anti-Aging basiert auf der Wirkung von S-Acetyl L-Glutathion. Glutathione wird auch als das stärkste Entgiftungsmittel des Körpers und als Bindemittel für Schwermetalle
von Schwermetallen und ist außerdem das wichtigste Antioxidans. Es bindet Giftstoffe und entfernt sie aus dem Körper. Glutathion schützt die Körperzellen und stoppt die durch Schadstoffe verursachten Schäden. Glutathion schützt unsere Zellen vor Schäden, Alterung und Krankheit. Glutathione wird auch als die Mutter aller Antioxidantien bezeichnet.

Glutathione kommt in drei Formen vor: S-Acetylglutathion, reduziertes Glutathion und Glutathiondisulfid (oxidierte Form). Glutathion kann nur schwer aufgenommen werden. Deshalb ist es am besten, zur Erhöhung des Glutathionspiegels die Form S-Acetyl-Glutathion zu verwenden. Glutathion kommt in fast allen Zellen in hoher Konzentration vor und gehört damit zu den wichtigsten Antioxidantien im Körper.



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Frequently Asked Questions

We've done our best to answer every question we can think of. Is yours not among them? If so, please contact us.

What is Resonance?

An example to explain the potency of resonance is light. White light contains all colors of light. White light therefore contains the non-visible potential of all colors. Resonant water offers the "non-measurable potential" of resonances.

Another way of looking at resonance is the more formal way. Resonance (Latin: resonare, to echo) is a physical phenomenon that occurs with vibrations. A vibrating object can cause another object to vibrate, as the vibrations are transmitted through an intermediate substance. When this other object vibrates in the rhythm of the original vibrations, this phenomenon is called resonance. Source: Wikipedia.

What's in Bengs Resonant water products?

Very simply that is one ingredient: water. Bengs Resonant water starts as ordinary water going through a technology developed by ourselves. So this is not an addition in the form of a substance or anything like that.

The foundation under Restore and Perform is the Bengston Energy Healing Method®.

Among the other products, this is the healing resonance of various basic products, without the possible side effects of (chemical) substances in these basic products.

What kind of water is used for the Bengs Resonant water products?

The base is ordinary tap water that then goes through an additional filtration system. We are constantly improving our water quality.

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